Citipointe Church is a place where you will find people who have been genuinely touched and changed by God. But in reality, Citipointe is not a place at all!! It is a people — a people in relationship with God and each other. A place where community is more than just a name — it is an experiential reality.
We’re not special by any means… only a people who love a special God!!! The God we serve has an incredible love for every person on planet earth, and it is His sacrificial love for every person that is our inspiration and pattern for living. The world we now live in is vastly different from what it was in decades past. In the midst of the uncertainties and chaos of our world, we all need a place of security — a place where we can experience true peace and joy, while at the same time find answers to the hard questions. A place that provides feeling and support of family. Citipointe Church is that place.
At Citipointe, you will find grace and liberty. You will find people who are committed to love God and love people.
Those who attend find freedom, not only to be themselves, but also to let God be God in every aspect of their lives. Jesus Christ, the Son of God, is our Lord and Savior, and we worship Him in spirit and truth. He’s alive and He’s awesome!
It is our desire to serve Him with all our might.
The God of the Bible
The Triune God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
The God of the Bible is the One True God. He is portrayed in the Scriptures as Father God, the Almighty, Ruler of all that is;The Son, the Incarnate One, God in the flesh, the Savior, Messiah;The Holy Spirit, the very Spirit of the Living God sent to earth as our Comforter/Helper.JesusJesus, the Son of God, the Son of Man, the Savior, the Messiah, the Christ, the Anointed One. Almighty God who took on human flesh to restore man to his rightful position. He was truly born of a virgin, lived a sinless life, ministered three years (mostly around the Sea of Galilee), was executed by the Romans at the demand of religious men, took the sins of the world in His body, died on the cross, bore the punishment of our sin, rose on the morning of the third day, ascended into heaven, where He now reigns as King of Kings and Lord of Lords. When the allotment of time for this earth has been spent, He will return for His bride (the Church) and all Christians will meet Him in the air and rule with Him forever.
The Bible
The one True source of revelation. These are the writings that “God breathed” into existence. This Book is the one true source of faith and doctrine. It is infallible and without error.
Created in perfection for relationship with God, man was given full authority over all the earth. Through Adam’s sin man took on a nature of sin and lost both the authority and relationship.In and of himself, man is helpless to remedy this situation, no matter how hard he may try. He has fallen short of the glory God intended.
Salvation is provided through the grace of God. In His great love for us, He paid the penalty for our sin and gave infinite life to us. It is by faith in Jesus Christ that we have access into this grace.Salvation is by grace/faith alone. Good works are the fruit of salvation, not the means of salvation.
Water Baptism
The very word baptize means to immerse or plunge in. We believe in baptism by immersion in water after salvation. Baptism is a spiritual act where the “old man” is buried and the new life is released.
Baptism in the Holy Spirit
Baptism in the Holy Spirit is a separate and distinct act from salvation itself. It is God’s will that every believer receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit and the accompanying gifts, since this empowers them to truly live life in the spirit..
Divine Healing
According to the Scriptures, Jesus bore our sicknesses and pains on the cross as surely as He bore our sins. Jesus was the perfect expression of the perfect will of God – He healed every person who came to Him for healing. We appropriate our healing by faith in His completed work.
Gifts of the Holy Spirit
When a believer in Christ receives the Holy Spirit, all the gifts of the Spirit become available to that person for the carrying out of the gospel mission. Every spirit filled believer is equipped with an arsenal of spiritual gifts for the work of the ministry. God has no desire to withhold any good gift from His children. Every gift is given for the building up of the Body of Christ.
God is Love
This simple statement is the essence of Christianity. God loves us. God love us even when we are unlovely. He loves us so much that He Himself paid the penalty for our sin to fulfill divine justice. He doesn’t wait for us to love Him. In the midst of our sinful life, Christ died for us.
We Love God With All of Our Being
God is love. Christianity is a love relationship with the Creator of all that is. His love for us evokes love from us. As we walk in this love relationship with Him, life becomes meaningful and joyful. The abundant LIFE that Jesus offers is a life filled with love.
We Love Other People
Love cannot be contained. It demands expression. Because of the great love that God has for us, our hearts overflow with life and love. That love manifests itself in a multiplicity of ways as we share our life with the people around us.
We Must Equip People to Experience This Meaningful Life
We are not here just to sing songs and pat each other on the back. We must connect with people to help them get the most out of life. We must work together to equip one another to walk in this abundance of life that Christ offers.
The best way to see what our church is all about is to visit in person.
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